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Occupied Equestria - Ride the Tiger
Occupied Equestria is an RP campaign set in a post-Equestria Equestria, where the princesses are gone, as are the Elements of Harmony. Gone, temporarily at least, but not by any means forgotten.

New players are welcome.

Fantasy Play has a few "kitties" to cuddle with
Brie has a Changeling Queen to negotiate with
Iron has some gangsters to beat
Silver has some follow up to do
Amber is exploring her new home
Spark is either looking for forest demons, or negotiating the fate of a tribe of Wolves
Midnight has more cultists to kill
Onyx has a colt to look after
Dark Star has some communists to kill
1930 replies and 54 files omitted.
Shimmering Spark
"Are you sure there isn't a healing herb that can ease the illness?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"I should go now, but that was quite enlightening."

He offers Maakie a hoofshake.

"I wish you best of luck in your future endeavours. Perhaps next time we meet, we shall meet as aquintances rather than as enemies."
Brie stands erect at first, but upon verifying the stature, bends into a deep and maybe a little over the top bow, upon (so far) confirming that this is in fact a/the queen.
He stays low, waiting for her to gesture or call him up. Surely that's how they do things, right?
And she speaks to him first, standing a bit further out than the drone behind her.

She speaks to him in non-accented ponish
"You are the 'crazy bat' I have heard about? Who wants help in inflitration? Is that right?"
132174 132445
"We have tried... I assure you, we have tried"
She looks down
"And he was the medicinewolf himself."

"Perhaps. You are not the first to conquer me nor to spare me. But one more thing... There is a location in the mangrove near the mouth, about 300 meters east of the end of Sicamore street. 10 meters due north of the willow tree, there is a case in the water."
"Clever bat," he corrects. "Its simple mistake. I was certain to specify, but it's easily lost in translation. Please spare your subordinates." He dips politely. "But yes. I'm pleased you have heard of me. Mayhaps I not be about to be executed?" He asks, peaning a bit to the right

From behind Brie, a big black dog walks up. It's one of the two dogs Brie first saw at Roosevelt back in Bales, and has since seen follwing behind the cart, or on the porch in the cabin in the woods, and here at the mine. The big black dog - looks like a Labrador - walks up towards the queen. Then, with a glow of green light, the dog shifts forms, though his appearance changes only so much as it becomes a lean changeling drone, already wearing a brown uniform and a blue cap.

The drone stands off to the side and the queen says to him,
"Lavren? Your report?"

The drone responds in a heavy accent
"The bat has travelled here directly from the border crossing at Bales, stopping in North Eastern Boulderfield where he encountered a bugbear and a group of deserters. He came here and interrogated the leadership. He seems to have in the span of twelve hours successfully routed out not one, but three gendarme troops infected with some kind of local curse or whatever, with no collateral damage. This was a situation the local garrison had hidden for months."

The queen looks back to Brie with a smile
"Alright. We can stay your execution."
"Splendid! Then, to the infiltration!" He forgets himself and animatedly springs into a gaunt posture. "Ivw heard alot about you, and I feel that I can be advantageous to your operations, and that by doing so you might have a vested interest in mine." He says with a bit of a flourish, bowing his head.
"You've heard, I assume, of the jungetiere?" He says, tipping up enough to meet her gaze with a bit of,... something on his mind that gives him confidence.
"The young ones? No, I have not."

Wesley and Kerr walk up towards Brie, looking in fascination at the large queen
His voice grows soft. "Hier jungetiere. Dies ist die Königin, die wir gesucht haben. Bitte präsentieren Sie sich ihr." And he bows lowest and most deferrentially to the lings.
Kerr is the first to drop his disguise, running up towards the queen
"Unsere Königin? Ich bin es, 'Kerr.'"

Wesley is only a second behind
He drops his own disguise, and runs in a hop towards the queen. She picks them up with a glow of blue magic, and holds them both close to her with a half smile. She speaks to them
"Kleine Kinder? Bist du verloren gegangen?"

She starts to pat them with magic
"Ja. Wir sind jetzt seit Monaten in Ponyland gefangen."

"Das klingt schrecklich. Wie ist es passiert?"

"Ponys haben uns aus unserer Kolonie in Tall Tales entführt?"

"Haben sie dich verletzt?"

"Ja. Sehr viel. Ich würde lieber nicht sagen wie. Diese Fledermaus hat uns gerettet."
A look of sheer hatred comes across her face. She uses her magic to move both nymphs to her her shoulders, and past eye contact.

"Ihr armen armen Dinger. Keine Sorge. Alle deine Schmerzen sollen gerächt werden."

"Nun, lass sie leiden wie wir"

"Wie bist du hierher zurückgekommen?"

"Die Fledermaus hat uns mitgenommen"
Her face looks more inquisitive at the moment, and she looks back to Brie, pondering the words

"Bist du jetzt okay?"

"Ja. Die Fledermaus half uns zu füttern."
"Es ist jetzt besser, dass wir bei dir sind"

She seems to pet them, and speaks more softly
"Mach dir keine Sorgen, Kleine. Dir geht es jetzt gut"

She looks back to Brie, and says to him,
"I have lost many of my own drones. Far too many. And all of Changelingia has lost too many drones. To have these two back is a splendid suprise

"Du bist unsere Mutter, richtig? Lacinia?

The queen speaks to Brie instead
"I thank you for saving them"
132175 132178
He looks to them. "It was my pleasure. And it is their displeasure that bids me to journey to speak with you." He turns to her, bowing slightly as he does so "There are many things wrong with pony society. The sort of thing I understand that changelings neither tolerate nor are merciful toward." He glances again to the lings "Predations, of a perverse and purely gratifying and non-substantial nature." He says as though the mention bitters his mouth. "And many of them enjoy positions of power, esteem, and influence."
He spins to face her directly, his forelegs outstretched. "I would see them routed and replaced by changelings,
Operating with otherwise legitimacy against a rogue and underground element. Me."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Truly? Well, I must thank you very much, Maakie. And, again, I apologise for what we did."
"They become erstwhile heroes of ponykind in baltimare, while I rule in the shadows, with covert coordination between the two groups."
132177 132178
"I play the rogueish deviant - a bit out of character for me to be honest but I can manage - and they play the dutiful protagonists, righting wrongs and all that. I cut my way with their assistance to the bottom of the underground, and they with my hand work their way to the top of baltimare establishment."
"A d of course, should I fail in my duties or prove unuseful, my life would be forfeit."
132179 132180
She nods almost sternly, with a still angry expression across her face. The two nymphs take up a position on her back, with Wesley hugging her neck, and Kerr sitting upright. She's much larger than any pony mare, about the size of one of the smaller alicorns. Her thorax is translucent blue and bulging, with the outlines of what appear to be eggs visible inside her. Her wings are blue and close to her side. She wears a plain tiara over her matted blue hair that lacks any sort of intricacy.

"As they should be replaced. The only predation in the Changeling order is that of Changelings over their natural prey. And even that predation is carefully ordered, measured, and calculated to be as merciful to the prey and as sustainable for Changeling kind as conditions will allow. Equestria has allowed far too much rot to build over the years. And it must be cleansed before it spills over onto our shores. But first, you understand that there is an official peace between Pony Equestria and Changeling Equestria, and that any act of violence of that nature would be considered a violation of the treaty, do you not?"

"And I will accept your apology"
He gives Silver a claw shake. His shake is very firm.
"Indeed, and any transgressions against such a treaty would be easily and readily levied against a NOT-clever bat, should there be any in thg e periphery." He says glancing around exaggeratingly, before meeting her gaze subtly, as if to say "I know the score, and if I fail, I can be a resource one way or another."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver's is similarly firm, and he appears grateful for the amicable farewell and show of trust from Maakie. He puts his hoof down after the hoof/clawshake, and looks to Mala.

"Are you ready?"
132182 132185
She forms a malign grin
"Indeed. It sounds like you understand your role. Let me enlighten you as to mine. Tell me, what do you know about the previous attempts to infiltrate Equestria? Before the War, that is."
She tilts her head, looking over to Brie truly eager in anticipation

Mala nods, and answers "Yes." He has a couple guns on his back
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver nods, gives Maakie one last farewell, and heads out to a hopefully still-waiting taxi.
Mala hides the guns under his coat as best he can. The two walk out, and towards the taxi
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver gives the driver directions from his map for...whatever place where he can get the reward for the Hoebuck job.
"I'm afraid her majesty has me at a disadvantage, for I do not."
Delighted, the queen looks over to Brie, not always making eye contact but sometimes looking up, around, or past him

"I shall tell you. Our last effort was Gotterdamerung, just over six years ago now. The plan was to replace all of the princesses and the elements all at once. Install ourselves as rulers of Equetsria without the ponies even knowing. But it failed. And Queen Chrysalis decided after the failure of Gotterdamerung that our armed forces would focus on conventional attacks over deep infiltration.

Tell me? Do you know how Gotterdamerung failed? I don’t need to hear your answer, because I know you don’t know how it failed. No one knows, or appreciates just how close we came to success. No one knows, save for me. I was there. I was the Changeling chosen to take the place of The Queen of the Crystal Empire, Princess “Mi Amore Cadenza.” That’s the exact same role that Queen Chrysalis herself took in Operation Nos Separaverit just four years before. I was ready. Our infiltrator in the Royal Guard supplied us with great information. We neutralized the guards, set up sound suppressing barriers in the rooms, and caught the Princess and her Captain of the Guard consort as they slept. We knocked them out and I placed on a disguise. We had the cart outside waiting. Everything was going perfectly. Do you know why it failed?”

She grits her sharpened teeth in anger

“Because of a single orange unicorn. He showed up that night to take take care of the baby, or something. Oh, we knew he was there. We sent a detachment of guards to his room to take care of him. But he wasn’t there. Do you know why? because he got up to go to the bathroom and wasn’t in his room. He must have not understood that the closest bathroom was only two doors down, because he went the opposite direction. I was passing by with a group of drones and the two capitives, unconscious and on our backs. He popped out of that door and saw us. When he adjusted his glasses, he saw what was going on, and he turned to run away. I sent a powerful bolt to hold him from my own horn, but do you know what happened then? His shoe fell off. He had it poorly nailed in. He fell and the bolt missed. It gave him enough time to yell and shoot out a bolt of his own. Oh, it hit no where near us, it went in the opposite direction in fact. But it hit a window, and caused an explosion. That explosion was noticed by a passing mare – what she was doing wondering about at 3 AM I have no idea – who notified the remaining guard, and who eventually notified the guard in Canterlot and Ponyville, whose respective operations were otherwise successful. That is why Gotterdamerung failed. Because of a series of stupid happenstances that we could never have prepared for, and which were unlikely to happen to begin with.

But is that the message Chrysalis got from it? No. She couldn’t be angry at my failure. After all, she failed to do exactly the same thing herself a few years before. But the whole situation persuaded her to abandon the gift The Great Mother gave us – our one natural way of dealing with enemies – and to pursue a more… “head on” approach, as she put it. No more infiltration – no more infiltration as the primary strategy, anyways. The take over of Equestria would be accomplished by sheer force. There’s “fewer moving parts,” “more simplicity,” and “less that can go wrong.” So her advisers told her. The conquest of Equestria would be accomplished by Iron and blood in ‘Schwarm aus Stahl’.”

She directs her eyes over the mining machinery, and then up to the train that moves past

“So very much iron, and so very much blood. So very, very much blood and iron.”
She looks back to Brie

“But it succeeded, barely, so the strategy is ‘vindicated.’ Never mind how successfully infiltration was used in support of operations, like securing the bridgeheads at Acornage, or reducing the fortifications at the Shire, or even how well it has worked in the occupation at taking out the crime syndicates in Las Pegasus. No. Because infiltration failed twice before, it is assumed to always fail. I do not think so. And that is why I want you. To prove that it can."
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Brie thinks long and hard about her explanation. "You do me an unnecessary service in relaying this, but it is beneficial. I can intuit from your descriptions a number of possible countermeasures to avoid detection. If you prefer I shall detail them, but if you'll pardon me saying its the sort of thing best illustrated through action. I will still detail, if you prefer spoilers." He says, waving a hoof passively and mostly reservedly.
No need to explain to me. Explain to the workers who will be sent along with you on your journey and who will meet you there. Only so many resources can be spared, both because of cost and because of the risk of violating the treaty. You accomplish something, especially if it yields love extraction, and more may be sent your way. I do not take the risk to my children lightly. I value them far more than any pony, and I have far too many children in the Equestrian clay. But neither are my children cowards. They know that every Changeling is a part of the hive, and angling who dies for the sake of the hive dies not truly die, for they live on in their brothers and sisters.”
Glancing about slightly, Brie takes the silence as opportunity to pack a small pipe full of tobacco. "Your pardon, your majesty" he says, tipping the pipe as though for permission.
Puffing deeply on the pipe, Brie smiles and glances at Kerr and Wesley says. "Oh," and after a short pause turns again to smile, looking directly into her eyes. Her solid round, but also oddly hexagonal eyes. Just the tiniest slit divides an otherwise unbroken sphere. Its kinda hot, he thinks to himself, but this is business. "There is no doubt that your people are warriors. I would not be here otherwise."
132192 132193
"But neither will there be deaths. Not by my will nor by my means."
And as he says this, his eyes widen a bit at emphasis of will and means.
He chuckles. "Well, on our side," and he begins giggling a bit excessively.
She moves her mouth about slightly, unsure how to respond, but then caries on
“We have a few assets there already, most likely. Love harvesters are not seen as treaty violations under secret provision 2a. They are still vulnerable to being hunted. A punitive expedition to hunt down Changeling slavers will be enough cover on my end for any such operation. But I think you already know how important it is to not be caught.”

“Good. And I hope your experience here shows you how we deal with traitors and ineffectual subordinates. I will be sending along one of my political officers, Lavren here. He was there in the hallway that night. He knows what this is for. I trust him, and he knows how to maintain discretion even in capture.”
“That, I can abide by. Make sure the the slaver suffers.”
132196 132200
[1d20+4 = 5]
Brie smiles and nods at Lavren as though to say "Let's not have to kill each other okay?" But with the nonchalance as though it was a long and appraising glance.
Bluff check, if desired or necessary
She pauses for a moment, and blinks
“Yes. Let’s not have to kill each other.”
132198 132200
Brie looks askance for a moment, then thinks "Still sexy though,"
She looks at him directly, with a bit of a smirk
“I hope you understand my purposes and conditions. Tell me, what else do you need, and need to know?”
132201 132203
Back at my laptop finally


Huh. That line was not actually spoken. I missed that while mowing

"To the celestial gulf insurance building? Alright"
The taxi driver turns around and takes them there
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver looks to Mala as they ride along.

"Doing okay, Mala?"
Mala looks up at Silver, his black, fuzzy snout coming fairly close to Silver.
"I think so" he answers
132204 132206
"I think we understand one another, as well as the," he paises respectably
>pic related
"Benefits of association," he says, leaving things unsaid but heavily implied. "Though,..." he waves a hoof, as though something to be considered on return.
132205 132206
"As far as I can tell, I have all I will need. That is, assuming you will permit me to continue the jungetiere's 'training'".
"And the vagabonds, they have done me good service,... after a bit of a beating but they seem proper enough."
Her eyes widen as she gives a wider smile, one that shows off her teeth and fangs

"Excellent. Lavren shall go with you. You can stay with the two nymphs here. They will help you identify their perpetrator, and their 'rescue' is the nominal goal of the mission. Those two deserters may go with you as well."

Lavren speak up
"They should be shot."

The queen shakes her head as if to brush the concern off
"Keep a close eye and do not trust them with much, but I only am able or willing to devote so many assets to this cause. If those two are lost, there is not much loss to the empire, and they can be credibly dismissed as rogue elements. Any fanciful stories they come up with can be dismissed as fabrications to earn the good grace of the ponies. The ponies have enough sense to understand this themselves, and will take what they say with caution."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
He gives his fuzzy friend a side hug, wrapping a foreleg around him.

"That is good to hear."

Unless Mala has more to talk about, Silver will remain silent for the rest of the ride.
The fluffy hyena is hugged, and Silver can feel both the long hair on his back, and the fat and muscle underneath. Mala closes his eyes for a moment, pleased. Then he says to Silver

"What did you think of all of that?"
132212 132214

Good points. Still it's amazing how absolutely T H I C C Equus and Equestria are. I didn't go by your measurements but I overlaid North America over the continent. Going by north/south extremes with the top of Pingland corresponding with Ellesmere, North America is absolutely dwarfed. The second picture is as far as I would scale up NA, where the northmost of Equus corresponds with the edge of contiguous Canada and the southernmost point with southern Mexico. The second picture seems more reasonable because Equestria is roughly the size of the U.S. and Mexico combined, which is what Equestria is rather than just the U.S. Interestingly Baltimare DOES fall on the same latitude as Jacksonville.

Although this is an alternate explanation you're likely also right, though that makes the latitude scaling bonkers unless if the planet itself is significantly smaller than Earth. Or maybe everything is more south and closer to the equator; even the "arctic" regions of the far north reach balmy temperatures in summer. Maybe I should stop reading so much into the geography of a little girls' show and realize the mod developers had limited room to work with in map design for Equestria.

Going back to the whole regionalism discussion, I tried to map out (pic #5) what I think the major regions of Equestria would be how do you hide units?, trying to follow terrain and existing province borders as much as possible. I could see Equestria having a multi-layered system of federalism, with local, provincial, and regional governments have different amounts of autonomy under a central government. Also except for "The Heartland" and the north-central region (if that should be its own region at all, but you can militia units explicitly from there) the regions would be relatively "new" additions to Equestria composed of new cities, settlements and colonies. Over a thousand years ponies would have slowly (by human civilization standards, but not by Tolkien's) settled progressively more distant regions. Ignore that Ponyville is less than a hundred years old despite being a stone's throw from the capital. Or it could be that those regions were previously settled (definitely in the case of Tenochtitlan) and were gradually annexed under the flag of Equestria.

Also keep in mind that Stalliongrad is not all of Severyana (which is north of the off-white line). A good part of it (going by Stalliongrad's claims and the names of the provinces) still belongs to Equestria. Or maybe it's the case where these provinces are similar but different like how Belarus and Ukraine are related to Russia.

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to play HOI4 (I just wanted to get it to run to look at maps) but my computer can run it at 3 or even 4 speed quite well so long as I turn my AC down all the way. A multiplayer game might actually be possible though my internet might prove to be a bottleneck. Do you recommend getting any of the DLCs? La Resistance looks quite with intelligence agencies and vroom vroom.

Now to be narcissistic, let me tell you a bit about my game as Equestria on recruit difficulty. This is the first time I've played HOI4 so I've had to learn everything, in a mod which is deliberately designed to be harder/unpredictable than the base game. I solved the batpony question with Luna and only had to reload after failing once (yes, I cheated and looked on the wiki but I had the right idea). I focused exclusively on enhancing research and building infrastructure/civilian factories in the eastern part of Equestria but by the time war broke out in early 1011 I still had only my original 17 mil factories. Needless to say I had trouble supplying everything except for the most basic equipment until well after the end of the war.

I absolutely thought I was going to lose to the Changelings. They declared war on me when I was only halfway through "The Twilight Project" (I was trying to get good tanks so I had no armored force to speak of) focus so I got Urgent War Committee late. Also I told my entire army group at once to man the entire fallback line and was wondering why all my divisions were moving around and leaving Las Pegasus open. I hadn't built airbases so once I lost the ones near the Changeling border I couldn't get air superiority. A few things saved me: the enemy didn't press the attack south of Las Pegasus which would have made defense impossible, despite having a few thousand planes they couldn't wrest air superiority from my few hundred Hurricanes and Spitfires (maybe not having airbases in the northwest was a 4D chess move), all the militia I called in somehow managed to hold the line while I built a proper army, and I managed to get Wildcats (Medium 1 TDs) to my Onhooves divisions to counter enemy tanks. Also the Crystal Empire after breaking away from me managed to modernize and fought a far more aggressive war than I could, taking more casualties (nearly a million) than me but eventually conquering the enemy hives. Pic #3 is as far as the Changelings managed to get and that line lasted for over a year, and I took that screenshot when I saw the enemy was about to collapse. By the time Stalliongrad joined the Changelings were already on the defensive. Victory was less dramatic than I thought it would be though, and in the peace deal I puppeted the Changelings but the Polar Bears somehow took all their territory, leaving the Changelings as a government-in-exile which capitulates as soon as you call them into a war. At least Olenia got released and I grabbed some border territory.

While I was rebuilding, the Griffonian Empire under the Archonate decided to declare war on everyone and was close to taking Skyfall. I sent over Pinkie, two 40-width infantry (not motorized or mechanized, but with artillery, TDs and full support companies) and a heavy tank division (with mechanized and SPGs as well) with the result that they absolutely walloped the Griffon Empire. "Ghost Division" was playing in the background as I smashed enemy armor and kept making encirclements. Eventually the Empire collapse but the Kingdom of Wingbardy, taking most of its territory, assumed the title itself.

In 1016 the Karthinian Pact declared war on New Mareland and I promptly sent the better part of my army as an expeditionary force. Unfortunately that doesn't make the AI use forces more intelligently, as it will launch attacks bound to fail rather than wait for the enemy to attack entrenched positions. As a result it has incurred over three million casualties, roughly split between New Mareland and myself (the new Griffonian Empire has taken only half as many). The line is stable but there's not enough supply for the dozens of divisions, and New Mareland didn't build enough airbases to have the capacity for air superiority. I can't land troops I can control because there's "not enough naval intel" and I can't get green seas though I have sunk quite a few battlecruisers. I haven't expanded my fleet or docks at all because there weren't any fun naval engagements with the Changelings. I think the only way I can turn this around is by getting several new fleets. I have researched nuclear bombs but I don't think air superiority is likely. Still, the game is a lot of fun though I have much to learn. I have 5 research slots and +60% research speed but I'm still behind on some research, likely because I'm going down so many trees. Although production shortfalls aren't so bad anymore I'm still producing arguably wasteful things, like 16km/h light tank divisions, medium 3 TDs and superheavy tanks for superheavy "breakthrough" divisions. Funnily enough, I was spending all my civ factories buying all the steel in the world (I was legitimately struggling to find anyone with steel left to export) without realizing that if I changed my economic policy away from free trade, I had hundreds left in surplus. I wanted to invade Stalliongrad but I don't think that's diplomatically possible. Still, nothing I can’t enjoy while munching on blue Stilton with some Sauvignon Blanc.

I think, other than the mess with the Karthinian pact, this game has been how the Changeling Invasion would "canonically" go down. Rather than have Celestia implement LBJ-esque legislation, Luna tests her leadership abilities and manages to accomplish good ends without coercion or turning into Nightmare Moon. The entire policy of Equestria revolves around peaceful development. Changelings overwhelm the brave but ill-equipped defense and quickly conquer a quarter of Equestria. The Sisters implement martial law but do not implement censorship. Volunteer militia as well as a new professional army manage to hold the line practically within sight of Canterlot until new technology, training and tanks break the stalemate. After the war there were calls for democracy (completely scripted, because I had 80% stability WITH the debuff and 100% war support) and though these were defeated there were changes like a diet of nobles. I couldn't ask for a better first game and I'm looking forward to when the Bread League attacks.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the difficulty setting but there seems to be a lot of artificial stupidity. When I assign an army to defend an army cautiously units will still move to "peninsulas" where they can be easily cut off and I have to maintain careful watch to make sure I don't get encircled. On the flip side when I tell an army to advance to an offensive line they just sit there, even when set to be aggressive. Also hotkeys will take me a while to master.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Hmm...little bit of what I expected, little bit of not. I did not think it would go in this direction when I set out today."
>pic 4
Oh, and that's the location Amber Sunset would be from. And yes, I'm available to play today, I just need to catch up with the posts real quick.